The stadium is a little strange; the corners are actually right angles, as opposed to following the curve of the ice. They built it as a boxing stadium for the '72 Summer Olympics, then converted it after. There were some jolly drunk German men in front of us yelling at some other drunk U.S. fans across the corner, then they would turn around and fist bump us :)
This little guy is the hockey mascot they use for the Red Bull games, and he was at the Deutschland Cup game too. I'm not really sure why, seeing as he is neither a red bull or anything particularly German. Hannah and I decided he looked like a mouse/dinosaur, but he did a cartwheel on the ice so he got our approval.
It was weird (and cool) to hear all the announcing in German, and all the chanting and cheering, though there was more of that at the Red Bull game than the Deutschland Cup game. It was also interesting to hear the German national anthem and to hear a non-native speaker sing the U.S. national anthem. She was a pretty good singer and you could understand all the words she was saying, just a few times she used the wrong word, which caught us off guard. Some of them were entertaining, but I don't remember them anymore :/
Here's the stadium at the end of the game when they announced the results. We won the game and the tournament :) 'murica.
Oh! One thing in this picture you can see, the face-off circles in the corners were filled in with ads, in addition to the middle one and all the other normal ones on the boards and such. At the Red Bull game that whole end section was filled with standing fans (including us) and what sounded like a full drumline. There might have only been two drummers, but they caused quite a ruckus and had a back-and-forth chant going for the majority of the third period.
I can't write a whole post and not mention food :) so here goes. At the U.S.-Germany game I had my first experience with Currywurst, which is delicious and VERY saucy. I'm surprised I didn't get any on me or spill it all over the place. I didn't take a picture, as my hands were a little full, but it basically just looks like a hot dog with spiced ketchup on it...which is exactly what it is.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Germany does this nifty thing where they charge you an extra deposit for the cup your drinks come in. That way you can use the same cup and get however many refills you want (are willing to pay for), then turn your cup in when you're done and get your money back. It would be like going to an amusement park and paying for one of those souvenir cups, then you could keep it forever or just give it back at the end of the day and get your money back. Magic.
Also off topic, but I'm doing my laundry so still related to life. It's a dark, scaryyy dungeon down there. The laundry machines are in the basement, which does have windows; HOWEVER daylight only lasts until about 4, so unless you get up at the ass-crack of dawn (which seems like kind of a popular time to do laundry a.k.a. it's impossible to get an open machine) chances are you will be in class or doing some other important thing during the non-terrifying hours of possible laundry doing time. Any other time you will have to brave the dark scary stone corridor where the lights are NEVER on (actually it might not even have lights) to make it to the laundry room with the automatic lights that are also NEVER on when you go down there, and only turn once you have practically run into the dryers.
Happy days!